Along Came A Dog... (named Eva)

Keeping up with the Koepnicks!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween....... BOO!

Tonight will be a very different night, full of scary goblins,  pretty princesses, and Ghosts.
This is Halloween. ( But I don't have to worry about seeing a scary princess because I'm going to an All Saints Day party!) Because the party is an All Saints day party, I have to dress up as someone from the Bible or a Saint. I'm Ruth from the Bible. ( If I went trick or treating I would have been someone from Lord Of The Rings).
If you are going trick or treating be safe!! Watch out for the Orks..... Naw I'm just kidding you, or am I. * Insert Scary Music*. Here are some photos, that didn't turn out.... * Photos of who I dressed up of will be out Tomorrow . 
 What are you being for Halloween? Are you being Hulk? A Nun? A tent? A Rockstar? A storm Troopor? Princess lai? A Spy? Or are you being a horrible monster, but really you arn't dressed up as one, YOU ARE ONE! * Insert scary music*.
                                                    Raw meat! SCARY!!!
                                               Beans, but they have Orange peels in them! AH!
                                                Something is bubbling......
                                                    A dog who is cute!
                                            What is she eating? Something else scary, I HAVE A MATH test today!!!!
                                   Dying, or already dead, Abby.. .k. xox

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The snow Lefted me.

Almost all of the snow melted. WAAA! We didn't really do a LOT on the weekend.
I got to watch the fairy movie " Secret Of The Wings" on Sauterday.
Eva, take it from here.
~ bord Abby ca.K.e
Wuff Wuff its Eva! Sorry I've not had my paw on the blog lately. I haven't been busy. I miss eating the snow. I'm not saying it is safe for a human to eat snow! No no no!  I'm just saying DOGS can eat snow.
And cats. ( dogs can eat cat-  joking wuff wuff).
Abby was telling me about Saving Money she said that
if I ever get some money to save it. Abby is saving money for three things :
1. Tithe to God.
2. Buy " The Hobbit" when it comes out.
3. Christmas money for Esther.
I have to go bark at cats,
Licks and Wags Eva.

                                                 This is me showing you some clay stuff I've made.
Another episode of " Justin's cooking show" ( Today he makes hot chocolate)
 ~ Along Came A Dog Crew~

Monday, October 29, 2012

REALLY sorry :(

Today Eva and I don't feel like doing a blog post. I hope you understand. ( Blogging almost every day is hard)

Hopefully see you tomorrow~ Abby and Eva.

Friday, October 26, 2012

It Snowed!

A couple of days ago I went to the doctor because my allergies have been the worst of all the years,
she gave me medication.  So I had it. The next day I was very sick. Two days past, then Yesterday we cleaned my room because of dust mites. Today I am getting much better. ( That's why the blog pots have been boring, because I'm been so tired and sick).
Today when I looked out the window, I looked at our neighbours roof. There was snow on it!  When I looked out of the kitchen window, there was snow outside. Not THAT deep, but at least the trick or treaters will freeze to death, MWAHAHAH- I mean poor them! ( heh eh hAHAHAH)
Ow, I have to walk Eva in this weather, and I don't have a winter coat. :(    ( that's a sad face).
                                            The little pooh pooh!
                                               This is what happens when Esther goes to work...
                                               ( that is Esther's room, and Eva is on her makeup vanity.

                                                  Looks like someone got a makeover......
                                        ( if you hate it I'm sorry, Gloria wanted a new look, she wanted a change)
                                          This is an old photo, of a dead mouse in the rain.....
                                    ~ Abby ca.K.e ( again sorry that TODAY has nothing to do with Halloween)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's Cold.

Today will have nothing to do with Halloween. Sorry.
The weather that we have is weird. I can't play in the leaves because they are all muddy.
I can't play outside, because its to cold. I can't play in the snow, because there IS NO SNOW.
Oh well, at least we had a great supper summer. There are  no leaves on the trees either. But the nice thing about this weather is: The season Fall. The only thing right now that I can decorate for is Justin Bebeir's Birthday! I'm joking, I don't even know his birthday. I'm making a miniature Fall gift basket!
                                                When we went to Disneyland, we went to the beach, ( a Ocean beach!)
                                                I got this shell at a store on the beach, us kids got this type of shell for free!
                                                   All of the shells you see here I picked, exept for
                                                  the big orange one on the far right.


                                             Could I have some Beef?
                                     ~ Abby ca.K.e

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What To Do Blog About?

My Lord Of The Rings cupcake idea is going great! I made some easy fondant, and I have made Gandalf's
hat and I'm trying to make his staff. I've also made some mini rocks.
" What are you being for Halloween"?
Because I'm going to my friend's AWESOME All Saints Day party,
I have to dress up either as a Saint, someone from the Bible, or an animal from the Bible.
For me this is REALY hard.
Another thing about the party, I need to make a dessert/snack! So much to choose from! That just gave me an idea.......... ( in the photo sorry for the HORRIBLE writing, I AM trying to improve)  The desserts on the spin thing are  : Pie, Rice Crispies, Cinnanon bun, cupcakes, cake, Chocolate Covered Katie recipe.
 Then I spinned it. Cake showed up! But then I wanted to make cupcakes.
So that's what I'm making!
                                                     It says cake. Sorry it's blurry!

                                             They are the happiest people on earth IN the happiest place on earth.
                                                 ~ Abby ca.K.e

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halloween food....Or not....

Before I start today's Halloween themed blog post, I saw something.
                                             In this year ( 2012)  Eva and I have done 100 blog posts!
                                                 2009 (5). 2010 ( 26). 2011 (35). 2012. (100). I can tell that by the years  the posts went up. I'm so excited for this! Another
 thing, my allergies have been acting up, more than any other year, yesterday I went to the doctor ( yes, that's how bad it is). She gave me some medication.
But it would be nice if you could pray for me. Now for today's Halloween theme. Food.-
Or it was going to be, that's what I planned Yesterday. I was going to make gummy worms. But doesn't Lord Of The Rings themed cupcakes sound better?  Today I'm trying to make a pumpkin decorated, but I'm using grapefruit.  If you want  to know how to do it, here's a link to Chocolate Covered Katie's recpie!
                                          I'm cute!
                                               Me" Eva what are you thinking about"? Eva: Juistin Bebier......

                                                 Here it is!
                                            This is with flash.
                                              Sorry that today's post is so short!
                              ~ Abby ca.K.e

Monday, October 22, 2012

Halloween Costumes!

WOW! This month is going by so fast. ( maybe thats because of Disneyland?). Halloween is coming!
Our family doesn't celebrate halloween, not becuause you get candy! So every year we Do get to dress up,
and we DO buy candy for us, but we don't hand out candy.
" Why should we hand out candy to people who dad says they don't know how to drive, when we don't get any"? ( that's why we don't hand out candy, in my opinion).
 Also on Halloween we sometimes invite a family over and do something.
But lets get to the point, I want to do a full week of blog posting, with halloween themed! ( I'm doing this because I thought it was fun and you need a treat from missing a week of blog posts).
So today I will be showing mini halloween costumes I made! If you want a tutorial on any of them, or if you have an idea, please tell me!
                                           (click on a photo to see it up close) This is a mermaid.
                                                Goggly ghost.
                                                Here's what her hat looks like.
                                            FrankenWeenie, this is based off the movie Frankenweenie ( I            haven't                                 haven't  watched  it YET)
                                                This is what he looks like without the editing.
                                                 See you tomorrow, ~ Abby ca.K.e.

Friday, October 19, 2012

There's A New Guy In Town...

I think I know what you're thinking. " Hint-Hint" ( that's something my cousins made up, you won't get it unless you are one of us, " Hint-Hint). There's a new guy in town, I saw him after a party last night. He's a merman, I don't know his name. I know that he is a prince warrior. He has a blue seahorse! And a horn, to blow in case someone is trying to kill him. Can you guess who this is? " Hint-Hint".
You'll see him in one of the photos.
                                                  Can we go wakeup mommy?
                                                   When can I, when can I.
                                            Now Eva say it with me " Hint-Hint".
                                              Remember to click on a photo to see it up close.
                                                  " Hint-Hint". There, ( I like wuff wuff better~ Eva)
                                                    A craft.
                                                Here's the Merman, I don't know his name yet, but I know its
                                                    Prince something.
                                       Here is the stuff he goes with!
                                        ~ Abby ca.K.e

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Tomorrow at 5:00 AM in the morning we leave for Disneyland! I'm not finished packing yet!
Remember, you won't get a blog post for a week, so until  next Wednesday? I'm not sure, but seven days from  now.  You might be asking : Where is the boring " Try something new a day'? I didn't try any new foods this week, so you don't have to sit through that! Here  are some photos!
                                                 I tried taking a photo of Jenna in the rain, but
                                               it was so cold that she froze and I had to hold her up!
                                              A photo.......
                                               CAN I CHEW YOUR FINGER?
                                             Eva chewing my hand
                                      I'm starting something called this!
                                   But it looks like CleoPatra and Alice took over the photo shoot.
                                                 Here is Justin's cooking show episode 1!!
                                                    Abby ca.K.e ( I'm going to miss yoU!)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Day!!

At first I didn't even know this weekend was going to be a long weekend. I filmed a video!
So, what are you thankful for? Maybe I'll try to tell you: God, Bible, ALL of my friends, my BFF ( and her brother) , Food, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Eva, bed, cookies- This is too boring for you right?  Yes yes, I know,
I'll stop.  What did you do for Thanksgiving?  Do you have a big " Turkey Dinner"?
 Today I don't get a day off of cleaning up the house. I only get a break to blog post, and then it's clean up time.   Now for the video, but before you click it I just have a note.* I have a LOT of tecnical difficulties with uploading this to my computer, so don't think this was easy to do*.

In the video I made all of the food exept the yellow plates and the chairs.
(  it's so dark and blurry  i because I had to film this at night or else you wouldn't of received a video)
~ Abby ca.K.e

Friday, October 5, 2012

6 More Days= Disneyland: Nail Polish!

Where we live, I think I know we missed the season FALL. It started snowing Yesterday.  And Today it is also snowing!! At a store I found glow in the dark nail polish! So tonight I am going to chose what colour I want, and buy it! ( It will be for Disneyland). Because Jenna is going to Disneyland, I think she should do a post about her self. Let's Welcome Jenna!
Abby ca.K.e

My name is Jenna, I am a Barbie.

I am kinda shy, so if this blog post is boring you will know why.
( I'll tell you later on in this post why I'm so shy)
I LOVE baking, Playing the guitar, driving a jeep for fun, playing with my younger sister
  Let's do the Questions now.
Gender : Girl
Name : Jenna  * Last name unknown*
Age : 20 ( that's the highest I'll tell you!)

City :   " The Barbie Gated Community"

School : I don't go to school anymore.
Best friend : Rose

Band That I am In : I play the guitar, and Rose sings.

Sport that I am In :  Basket ball.

favorite movie :  Any Narnia movies. 
One thing about me :  I am a beach Model, and I am shy because I lived in a box for four years!

I don't know what else to say, sorry.
~ Jenna

Thursday, October 4, 2012

7 More Days: Disneyland ; SNOW!

Wuff WUff it's Eva!  Abby has a small message for you! Here it is : OH  MY GOODNESS! It's Snowing!
Sadly as soon as the snow hits the ground, it melts! But I'm so soso soooooooooooooo exighted!
~ Abby : Now for the real post! I got some new dog food! It is the same brand that I've always eaten,
but I know they will feed me extra. But remember when I did that post about which Barbie going to Disneyland? Well one of the Barbies got a vote. That means she has the most votes! And she gave me a treat! The Barbie who is going to Disneyland is :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
This is what she looks like!
 Boy, do I want to chew on her hair!
 Or her hands. I wonder what plastic tastes like...........
Well, I know Jenna is excited, because when she leaves, she knows I can't chew on her. MWAHAHA-
I mean Woof. Woof Woof Woof.
Photo time, Abby took the photos. WHY? Because it hard to put my paw on the clicker to take a photo.
Licks and Wags, Eva.
 * Warning, most of the photos will be blurry because I had to take photos inside*

                                                 OOO, I was having a walk in the rain/snow.
                                                      Did I show you this photo yet?
                                             I know I'm cutem but where is the beef?
                                        " Mary had a little lamb little lamb, Little lamb,
                                           Mary had a little lamb who was cuter then snow".
                                           * Sniffs camera*
                                              This was for an online class, and no my mom was not the
                                          teacher. I was supoposed  to do act out a scene form this book.
                                          ( the book was called " Theras And His Town"
                                             and right here THeras is asking these people to come
                                               and save Abas who is going crazy)
 ( This is Abas)