Along Came A Dog... (named Eva)

Keeping up with the Koepnicks!

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve. 2012

I"ve been blogging for a year now. Did you have a good 2012? I can remember last year, Halloween,
Christmas, and then, new year's eve. Last year we went to fireworks. I remember, thinking, " 2012 sounds so new!". But now 2011 seems so old. And 2013 sounds new.
But, there is one thing I can look forward to in 2013, Gymnastics! Our class is still on  Winter/Christmas break. Also, thank you to everyone who has been reading the blog this year! YOU are what keeps the blog going!
~ Abby  ca.K.e

Friday, December 28, 2012


Abby is STIL busy, but I have some photos to show today!
                                               Long time no sniff!
                                                 This was when I was younger,,
                                                    OH! How cute I was!
                                                        Here I am, two days ago!
                                                    Me licking Abby's arm.
  The family did this " Impossible puzzle", it came with 5 extra pieces to throw you off gaurd! I just licked everyone.
                                                 This is what Abby looked like when she got her new camera!
                                                 Licks and Wags, Eva..

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Abby is too busy to blog post. Until after Christmas break. SO, that means more about what I"M doing!
I have to go sleep, Abby is going to tell me how she liked the movie " The Hobbit".
Licks and Wags, Eva

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pawesome Christmas

I had a very merry Christmas! Abby got this trainning kit, that is for me!!!
Abby also got a new,.............. CAMERA!! I can't wait for her to take more photos of me!
~ Licks and Wags, Eva.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eva: 2012

I'm not sure if I can do a blog post tomorrow, so if I can't, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
I hope you have a great time, knowing it's not all about giving/getting, neither fat old Santa ( sorry Santa, I guess I'm on the naughty list, but I know you won't get me what I want HAHAHA!)
Christmas is about the birth of our Savior, Jesus.
But I think you all know that right???? I hope you do!

                                            I have to go make Christmas presents ~ Abby .k., ( yes, I know I'm making gifts last min, but I've been so busy!)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Windy Day.

Today when Janice and Abby were walking me, it was very windy!! SO, I was lazy, and made Abby carry me for a little while. But then after a short time, she put me back down to walk.
After a walk I have to lick all of the snow off of me. That's why I'm so busy!!
Abby is making an Etsy, I'll show you a photo,
Licks and Wags, Eva.
                                               Abby cooking...
                                              Something she will be selling.

Thursday Video Day (YAY!)

My computer is NOT loading anything. except for Skype. So I had to do this post on my mom's computer.
                                              Ever wonder what Justin's room looks like? In this video he shows you!
I know this post is short, but I'm about to strangle my computer's neck, ~ Abby .k.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Two videos for Crafty Wednesday

Today I have TWO videos! YAYAYAY!
                                          I know this post is short, but videos take work to film!
~ Abby .k.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Try Something New A Day Ep.: 8

This is another one of Esther's recipe's.
Sadly, I think we ate them all, and so I can't show you what they look like. But I'll tell you.
They're a brown muffin.
I usally don't like what Esther makes.
But when I tried this, and took a bite,,,,,,,,,,, I LOVED it. I almost finished the muffin. ( but then I had to go finish supper, and then I looked and could not find my half eaten muffin).
Esther calls them " Gingerbread muffins". They taste unhealthy. OH YUM! :)
This is something I'm glad I tried.
~ Abby .k.
  * Note From Abby's Mom, I ate the half eaten muffin - I thought it was my half eaten muffin!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Wuff Wuff Cookies.

Mommy did another blog post, lick it out!
Abby made cookies, for a party.
She called them her troops.
I just call them cookies I can't eat.

We are Abby's cookies she made, and Eva can't eat us.
Me: Growls
Cookie: O.K. puppy, don't get mad, you wouldn't even like what we taste like, Abby didn't even like us.
Me: True true, she made them for a party. Wuff Wuff.

                                             Can I come into your room?
                                           Me licking Abby's arm.

You can see, Abby also knows how to lick.

Speaking of licks, Licks and Wags, Eva.

Back to my Old Posts.

I remember my first blog post. There were no photos, no videos, just my paw on the keyboard typing.
I miss those days. So this post will have no photos nor videos.
I LOVE the snow, not when it's so freezing, but when it's so nice and fluffy, so I can jump like a rabbit.
But then after a walk outside, I have to clean/lick myself to take all of the snowy ice off of me.
I also love the snow because it is a colour I can see!!
I have to go bark at ANYTHING  that walks by.
Licks and Wags, Eva.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Steve!!

I know, today was supposedt to be video day, but Birthdays are more important! Maybe ;)
Today is my dad's birthday. I know he doesn't read the blog, but I'm just doing this becuase I didn't get videos up. But I know his twin ( Justin Bebier, might be reading the blo- JOKING) His twins name is Leigh.
Happy Birthday Leigh!
Photo time of the old fart.
                                           Last year ( I think) Dad and I at the Zoo where we belong.

 Last year's Birthday for Dad.

                                                    Dad and I at the beach ( This year.)
                                     As some of you know, dad is a clown.

                                        Dad and I in Disneyland.
                                            Again, us in Disneyland.
                           We have more photos of dad, but Ijust wanted to show you some.
                 ~ Abby .k.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Try Something New A Day Episode: 8

                                               Soup, I just LOVE soup. Well almost every soup..... This is on the yucky list in my brain. Mom calls this " Minestrone Soup". Sounds delicious right?
So, I put my spoon into the bowl, took some soup, and tried it. At first I LOVED it. HMHMHM YUM!
I took another spoonful. But then, a yucky after taste began in my mouth. I finished the soup, BUT, I don't want to eat it again. Well, maybe I would have it again. MAYBE. ~ Abby .k.

Gingerbread man, and Santa's Beard.

Crafty Wednesday is here!!! With a video!! ,OH wait, TWO videos!!
                                               ~ Abby .k.

I'm A SMART pookie waffle.

                                                  I'm a cute cool cookie.
                                              I'm about to lick Abby!
Wuff Wuff, Its Eva, with Steve's glasses on!!! Well, he kinda just put them on me, and then took a photo.
But,  I still think now I'm smarter.  Wuff WUff.
Licks and Wags, Eva.

Monday, December 10, 2012

What this week will look like.

My computer is being awful. Its taking to long to load the blog. BUT, Eva and I have been waiting for everything to load. BUT, I know this week is going to be a dread. Of waiting for this blog to load.
That's  why Eva made a plan for the blog pots this week.
Tuesday: Try Something New A Day
Wednesday: Crafty Wednesday with a video
Thursday: Thursday Video day
Friday : Eva does what ever she wants.
There might be some other posts, just for fun....
~ Abby .k. P.S Sorry there is no photos in this post.

Mordor Muffins.

                                           They are really greyer than this.
I'm not quite sure WHY I am doing this. BUT I am risking it.
When we were making muffins, and mixing it, and after it was done baking, the muffins looked grey.
Just like Mordor. ( Mordor From Lord Of The Rings)  So randomly, here is a recipe for Mordor Muffins.
              Mordor Muffins Recipe:
                           *1 cup flour
                           *1 cup whole wheat flour
                           *1 1/2 Tsp Baking powder
                           *1/2 tsp Baking soda
                          *  1 tsp cinnamon  * Opcinal*
                          * 1 tsp salt
                    *     1/4 cup cooking oil
                          * 1 banana
                          * 1 egg
                           * 1/2 cup   sugar (  or less or add more)
                           * 1/2 milk
                            * 1/2 cup blue berries. ( you can add more or less, we used frozen blue berries)
                                               ( 375 c 15/20 min)
                                             Method; Measure into large bowl all dry ingredients.

                                     Beat egg in smaller bowl. Mix in oil sugar, and milk.
                                       Mash the banana with a fork, then add to egg mixture.
                                      Mix the flour mix with the egg mix.
                                          Then add blue berries. Fill tins 3/4 full.
                                             You can also add chocolate chips.
                                  ~ Abby .k.

Friday, December 7, 2012

" Gloria Talks".

Today I was going to do a book review, but when I started, I fell asleep.
SO, today is going to be a "Gloria Talks". Please welcome Gloria Winters!
~ I'm out of here ,Abby .k.
                                                 I think you can remember me from AWHILE ago.
                                                Who am I? In LPS city, everyone knows me as fashion expert,
                                                    Actress, and more. You just know me as a plastic toy.
                                           I also help with photo shoots like this one!
                                            ( Yes she IS in real snow)
                                                          I just LOVE Christmas! It is such a lovely time of the year!
                                         This year I'm going to THREE parties next week. Not a lot, I know.
                                                   I was thinking this year to maybe donate money to the animal shelter thingy, just think, dogs like Eva, in a cage! OH IT BREAKS MY HEART!
   I hope you do something helpful this Christmas, and NOT just go to parties all week. ~ Gloria Winters.                                                  

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday Video-day

Today is video day. Every week I will try to have a video up on this day.
                                                Justin has a Christmas vlog up!
                                              And this is how to make a mini Christmas ornament.
                                            Now, even though this is NOT my video, and I had nothing to do with it,
                                             I think you will LOVE It!
                                           ~ Abby .- Wait, this post is WAY too short.
                                               My lovely mom bought me this at a Mennonite Museum.
                                              It's a mini sewing machine!
                                                  Also, its a pencil sharpener!
 And it even moves like a sewing mashine.
 ( The needle goes up and down when you turn the wheel!!!)
~ Abby .k.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sneaky Puppy Does crafty Wednesday..

Abby was too busy doing a review on some cake I can't even eat.  INSTEAD OF CRAFTY WEDNESDAY! SO today I'm going to do it. WUFF WUFF!
                                                      How to make a puzzle piece candy cane- EVA STYLE.
 What you will need:
*Paint brush
* Red and White paint
* Glue gun
*  7 Old puzzle pieces
                                               First take your seven puzzle pieces.  Make the ugly side show.
                                              Then paint four puzzle pieces red, and three white.
                                                 Then let them dry. As we wait for them to dry, turn on your glue gun.
                                                     When you are waiting for that to heat up, bark at a cat or two.
                                                     See that " Put paint here" Thats suppost to say " Put GLUE here".
                                                 My paw made a typing mistake. Take a red piece and put glue at the square.
                                              Then put another red puzzle piece on top of the glue.
                                             Put glue at the green oval. NOT PAINT.
                                           And put a white piece on the glue.
                                               Then put glue on the green oval, and put another red piece on it.
                                                     REMEMBER, to press down.
                                                 Then put glue on the green oval.
                                                       And put a white piece on that.
                                        Put glue on the oval. And put a red piece on that.
                                            This time the piece is making a curve.
                                                    Put glue on the oval.
                                            And put a white piece on that.
                                                              Then you have a candy cane.
                                       Licks and Wags, Eva.