This is a group picture (At least of the Epps/Koepnicks/Halvorson) from my Quincenera.
It was the most amazing night of my life. Tia Loris came all the way from BC! We kicked off the ceremony with a worship time. My best friends came from Alberta with their violin and viola. Their mom was on the piano. I was on guitar. We had a mini orchestra!
Next we were divided into groups to think of substances that can be purified or dirtied. We came up with
Gold has to be refined.
Water. You don't want to drink mud! So water has to undergo a purification process.
Then my Tia Cheryl did a small talk about gold and the purification process. Did you know that gold is useless when it's in the purest form? It's so soft and pliable that you can't use it. It has to be mixed with other things to be able to be crafted into jewelry. Tia compared that to me :P You have to mix with other people so you can impact them. Does that make sense? After that Grandma Helen read an acronym she made up for my name:
Heritage of faith and prayer
That transitioned into a prayer time for me :) It was beautiful. There was a 5 minute break then the reception started. We had goodies, veggies and fruit. We showed two slideshows of my life. (one of them I've been working on since April) the other Tia Loris put together.
As a blessing to all my wonderful and beautiful friends I sang Just One You. I also had a little one-liner about everyone just the recognize all the special people in my life!
I think that pretty much sums up the night. More picture to come soon!
If you have anything to add please comment and tell me how you think the night went. I might post some vids later.
LOVE Esther
You're more beautiful that you know
More talented than you think
And more loved than you can imagine
~Kandee Johnson