Along Came A Dog... (named Eva)

Keeping up with the Koepnicks!

Friday, September 28, 2012

13 More Days= Disneyland, Dead mouse

We caught a mouse, and now IT'S DEAD! MWAHAHAH- I mean boohoo waaa, a cute little thief- I mean mouse is dead. Too bad. I tried to take a photo of the mouse, but the lighting just wasn't going too well,
Here is the FAIL photo

 so I'm just
 going to take a photo when we take the trap outside.

Abby ca.K- wait the blog post isn't done  yet!
                                                                       Which Barbie will get to go to Disneyland?
                                                                 ( this is Curly)
                                                            ( This is Jenna)

                                                                    ( this is Rose)
                                                                Or the two Barbies here.
                                                        Joking, theses aren't Barbie's, they are my friends, from musical,
                          for        a song they had to wear that, and I took a photo. ( heheh MWAHAHAHA)
                                                  Eva is going to take is on from here~ Abby ca.K.e
                                                So I have to choose a Barbie to come with the robot Barbie for Disneyland.
                                              If they give me treats THEN it's a yes!  I know the Barbie's are scared of me,
                                                 because I could chew them up, when ever I wanted .(WUFF WUFF WUFF)                                      Who do YOU think should go with me? Email me at
                                                    ( I stole Abby's email, now I can email all of her friends crazy stuff!)
                                                     All of the Barbies need the votes!   Please Pwease vote! * gives you puppy eyes*
                                                    See? I'm really cute...
                                         Please vote...
                                                   If you don't vote, I'm going to yelp..
                                                   WAIT I SEE A squirrel,
                                                       Licks and wags, and barks ~ Eva


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